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Page TitleCommentsCreated onModified onCreated byModified byCategories
Accounts Export: General Help 20/09/2013 03:02 PM 04/12/2014 04:24 PM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders
Action Statuses 16/05/2014 03:43 PM 04/12/2014 04:25 PM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants, Memberships and Tickets, Trade Stands
Add a Field to an Entry Form 03/04/2013 09:48 AM 10/04/2015 09:22 AM AdministratorSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants
Add a new Contact 04/08/2011 05:14 PM 04/12/2014 04:27 PM DelienncSuzanne CoyContacts (People and Organisations)
Add a new Membership Type and apply to a contact 29/07/2013 11:51 AM 04/12/2014 04:27 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyMemberships and Tickets
Add a showground location 26/07/2013 03:25 PM 04/12/2014 04:29 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants
Add a Stock Rule 02/05/2013 04:31 PM 30/04/2015 09:27 AM Paul ScottSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants, Stock Items
Add an entry 04/08/2011 04:48 PM 04/12/2014 04:41 PM DelienncSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants
Add an on-line admin fee for web orders 18/09/2013 10:25 AM 04/12/2014 04:42 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyOnline Modules (AKA Web Modules)
Add Contacts to a Contact Group 10/06/2013 01:21 PM 04/12/2014 04:42 PM Paul ScottSuzanne CoyContacts (People and Organisations), Entries and Entrants, Memberships and Tickets, Trade Stands
Add or Edit a ShowBiz User 23/02/2011 04:53 PM 04/12/2014 04:43 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyUsers, Security and Permissions
Add physical dimensions of a trade stand to receipt 25/07/2013 11:42 AM 04/12/2014 04:43 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Trade Stands
Add Stabling Days to the Online Extras 26/03/2013 11:08 AM 04/12/2014 04:44 PM Paul ScottSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants, Online Modules (AKA Web Modules)
Adding Custom Reports 12/02/2015 03:25 PM 12/02/2015 03:26 PM Suzanne CoySuzanne CoyDocuments, Templates and Mailmerges
BACS Process 19/08/2011 10:16 AM 02/07/2015 01:07 PM DelienncSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Memberships and Tickets
Cancel or Un-cancel a Class 21/05/2014 11:41 AM 11/12/2014 11:47 AM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants, Schedule and Catalogue
Cancelling a Trade Stand (New Trade Stand Details form) 08/07/2014 08:51 AM 26/02/2015 10:52 AM Paul ScottSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Trade Stands
Change an entry to paid on day 22/07/2013 02:34 PM 26/01/2017 01:10 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants
Change the contact for an entry 21/08/2013 02:20 PM 11/12/2014 11:51 AM AdministratorSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants
Check the details of an Online Order 28/03/2013 04:47 PM 11/12/2014 11:51 AM Paul ScottSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Online Modules (AKA Web Modules)
Cheque Name versus Prize Cheque name... 09/09/2014 01:48 PM 11/12/2014 11:52 AM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Entries and Entrants
Cheque Run Forward Payments 04/08/2011 03:39 PM 11/12/2014 11:54 AM DelienncSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders
Cheque Run Process 03/08/2011 04:47 PM 11/12/2014 11:55 AM DelienncSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders
Cheque Run process for selected classes only 04/08/2011 01:24 PM 11/12/2014 11:56 AM DelienncSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders
Class isn't appearing online 20/03/2015 01:20 PM 20/03/2015 01:25 PM Suzanne CoySuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants, Online Modules (AKA Web Modules)
Configure ShowBiz to send emails 15/12/2014 11:46 AM 26/02/2015 11:07 AM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyDocuments, Templates and Mailmerges, Getting Information Out Of ShowBiz
Contact Preferences 14/08/2014 10:05 AM 28/07/2015 09:03 AM AdministratorSuzanne CoyContacts (People and Organisations), Documents, Templates and Mailmerges
Create a new Show by copying an existing Show 23/11/2011 01:19 PM 11/12/2014 11:57 AM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyCreate New Show
Create a new Show: Questionnaire 23/11/2011 01:20 PM 26/08/2015 01:37 PM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyCreate New Show
Create a new Show: Questionnaire OLD 18/11/2014 12:44 PM 18/11/2014 04:03 PM Suzanne CoySuzanne Coyn/c
Creating Rules For Online Entry Form Fields 06/11/2014 03:10 PM 28/07/2015 09:01 AM Stuart HawesSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants
Customising the Side Panels for the Web Module 19/03/2013 11:51 AM 11/12/2014 11:59 AM Paul ScottSuzanne CoyOnline Modules (AKA Web Modules)
Dealing with a Bounced Cheque for a Membership 28/01/2014 02:49 PM 11/12/2014 12:00 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Memberships and Tickets
Dealing with a Bounced Cheque for a Trade Stand 28/01/2014 09:26 AM 11/12/2014 12:01 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Trade Stands
De-couple a parent-child Trade Stand linkage 14/02/2014 09:28 AM 11/12/2014 12:01 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Trade Stands
Delete a sub-role from an existing judge or steward 24/07/2013 10:13 AM 11/12/2014 12:02 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants
Document Locations: Pointing ShowBiz to your files... 21/02/2013 12:04 PM 04/08/2015 09:23 AM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Contacts (People and Organisations), Documents, Templates and Mailmerges, Entries and Entrants, Memberships and Tickets, Trade Stands
Edit a trade stand area type or description 25/07/2013 09:28 AM 11/12/2014 12:03 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyTrade Stands
Email Merge Manager (i.e. Email Templates) 01/04/2014 03:51 PM 11/12/2014 12:03 PM Dominic Tyler-LovettSuzanne CoyContacts (People and Organisations), Documents, Templates and Mailmerges, Entries and Entrants, Trade Stands
Entering Transactions To Balance Accounts 06/01/2016 12:20 PM 06/01/2016 12:20 PM Suzanne CoySuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders
Exporting - How to manually record customer refunds - Sage Accounts v12 and below  25/08/2011 09:02 AM 11/12/2014 12:04 PM DelienncSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Sage Accounts Software
Exporting Accounts to Sage 03/08/2011 04:26 PM 06/01/2016 12:24 PM DelienncSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Sage Accounts Software
Exporting and how to manually record customer refunds Sage 50 and Sage Instant 23/08/2011 12:01 PM 26/02/2015 10:54 AM DelienncSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Sage Accounts Software
Exporting to Sage Update \ Checks 24/08/2011 09:03 AM 11/12/2014 12:05 PM DelienncSuzanne CoyAccounts and Orders, Sage Accounts Software
Find Contacts with or without specific Types and Groups 14/09/2010 09:24 AM 11/12/2014 12:05 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyContacts (People and Organisations), Getting Information Out Of ShowBiz
Find exhibitors from previous shows in the current show 02/07/2010 04:58 PM 11/12/2014 12:06 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyGetting Information Out Of ShowBiz
Formatting the catalogue 20/08/2015 11:33 AM 20/08/2015 12:10 PM Suzanne CoySuzanne CoyDocuments, Templates and Mailmerges, Entries and Entrants, Schedule and Catalogue
Forwards and other class payments 22/07/2010 09:06 AM 11/12/2014 12:06 PM AdministratorSuzanne CoyAnnual Routines, Entries and Entrants
HOYS: Export Entrants to Excel 13/05/2013 10:27 AM 11/12/2014 12:07 PM Paul ScottSuzanne CoyEntries and Entrants, Getting Information Out Of ShowBiz, HOYS (Horse Of The Year Show)
Using the Accounts/Action Status Set Screen 16/07/2010 02:03 PM 23/11/2011 12:49 PM AdministratorDominic Tyler-LovettAccounts and Orders

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