Search Engine
Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
This search, performed through 1.18 MB (110 documents, 1913 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 1 results.
[...] previous show to the new show ===
Execute these INSERT INTO Showbiz . dbo . tblCTContactBACSDetails
( ContactID
, ShowID
, LastShowID
, SortCode
, AccountNumber
, AccountName
, BACSCode
, DDNumber
, BankName
, BankAddress )
Select ContactID
, NewShowID
, ShowID
, SortCode
, AccountNumber
, AccountName
, BACSCode
, DDNumber
, BankName
, BankAddress from tblCTContactBACSDetails where ShowID = 'OldShowID'
and ContactID not In (select ContactID from tblCTContactBACSDetails [...]