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Judges Books
Modified on 26/02/2015 10:57 AM
Suzanne Coy
Categorized as
Judges and Stewards
1. In the main ShowBiz application select Tasks from the toolbar at the top of the screen and scroll down to Print Judges Books. (You may be presented with a message asking you to set up your document template locations. For help on this please see the page regarding [Document-Locations-Pointing-ShowBiz-to-your-files.ashx?)HL=document,locations|Document Locations]. 2. You will be presented with the 'Judges Book' Wizard screen. Select the top option to 'Create just a CSV file' then click the small box to the right which will display another window to browse for the folder where you would like to save the judges book. Alternatively you can select to 'Use an existing template and then click the small button to browse for the Judges template previously created. 3. Select the folder you want to use or need and press OK. This will copy the location to the previously blank bar in the former screen. [imageleft||{UP(Judges-Books)}Judges_bookwizard.jpg] [imageleft||{UP(Judges-Books)}Browse_forfolder.jpg] (The location of the documents are usually ...\\ShowbizFiles\MergeDocs\Entries\JudgesBookTemplates\JudgesBook2011.dot) (Note that the document location may vary from user to user) 4. Select 'Step 2: Headers, Classes, Sections' from the toolbar and tick the classes, sections and headers you would like to merge the document to. [imageleft||{UP(Judges-Books)}Step 2_headers.jpg] 5. Go to 'Step 3: Finish!' and select the 'Create now!' tab at the bottom right of the page. [imageleft||{UP(Judges-Books)}Step 3_finish.jpg]
Meta Keywords:
book, document, judge
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