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Email Merge Manager (i.e. Email Templates)
Modified on 11/12/2014 12:03 PM
Suzanne Coy
Categorized as
Contacts (People and Organisations)
Documents, Templates and Mailmerges
Entries and Entrants
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1. Use the appropriate Manager screen (i.e. Contacts, Stands, Entries, Memberships) to find the contacts to email{BR} 2. Right-click the list and choose “Select All”{BR} 3. Click the button under the list, labelled “Mail Merge Checked Results”{BR} {BR} 4. Select “Run an email merge” and change the “Email Send Method” to “Email Template Manager”{BR} 5. Click OK and continue past the “Opt-outs” screen with appropriate setting.{BR} 6. Click the button under the list, labelled “Add New Template”{BR} {BR} 7. Name the template (e.g. “2014 Stands email”) and set the Subject{BR} 8. Setup the Message Body, dragging up the “tags” under the main box, like a mailmerge.{BR} {BR} 9. Send a test email by putting a test email address in (e.g. your own) and clicking the “Send Test” button.{BR} 10. If you’re happy with the result, click “Send Emails”.{BR} {BR} 11. Click “Save & Close” so that you can use the template again.{BR}
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Contacts, email, email template, merge, People, template
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