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Create a new Show by copying an existing Show
Modified on 11/12/2014 11:57 AM
Suzanne Coy
Categorized as
Create New Show
'''Overview'''<br> <br> This process explains how to create a new Show in ShowBiz by copying an existing Show.<br> <br> '''Process'''<br> <br> 1. Please download and fill in the 'New Show Questionnaire', which can be downloaded by clicking [{UP}/S4821 ShowBiz New Show Questionnaire v0.2.docx|here].<br> <br> 2. Check that all show specific settings in the existing show are in a fit state to be copied (i.e. contact types and contact type groups are relevant). You'll still be able to make changes once you've copied the show, but it means both shows will have a better quality of data if you do this first.<br> <br> 3. Ensure that a Backup of the database is taken before starting the process. If you are unsure how to do this, please contact your IT support or us.<br> <br> 4. To create the new Show, in ShowBiz go to the "Utilities" menu > select "Shows" > "Create Show" and follow the answers in your filled questionnaire to complete the Wizard.<br> <br> 5. Once you are happy with the selected options in the Wizard, click on 'Create Now' and ShowBiz will create your new show<br> <br> 6. Switch to and check the new Show you've created as soon as possible, so you can get your database reverted to the point of backup if needed.<br> <br>
Meta Keywords:
create show, new show, questionnaire, set up
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