Class isn't appearing online

Modified on 20/03/2015 01:25 PM by Suzanne Coy — Categorized as: Entries and Entrants, Online Modules (AKA Web Modules)

If a class isn't appearing online, please check the following:

1. That they are not a text only class – this can be checked on the class details in the schedule (see screenshot 1 below)
2. That it’s not a champion or special class – this can be checked on the class details in the schedule (see screenshot 1 below)
3. That there is an entry form available against the class – this can be checked on the class details in the schedule (see screenshot 2 below) in the default catalogue formatting section
4. That there is a stock item against the class - this can be checked on the class details in the schedule (see screenshot 2 below) – if the button says ‘View Linked Stock Item’ there is a stock item against it.

Screenshot 1.


Screenshot 2.
